11.01.2022 |
Far och son Skoog till start i Dubai 24-timmars |
I helgen kommer Patrik och Henric Skoog, tillsammans med förarkollegorna Gustav Bergström och Emil Persson, till start i 24-timmarsloppet i Dubai.
Kvartetten kommer att köra en Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992) för det tyska teamet HRT Performance, och ställer upp i den Porsche-specifika klassen 992-AM där totalt 11 likadana bilar återfinns. Loppet i Förenade Arabemiraten utgör en återkomst till tävlingsbanorna för Henric Skoog, som tog ett uppehåll från motorsporten under ett studieintensivt 2021 men som nu alltså är tillbaka bakom ratten. - Jag ser fram emot det här loppet, och att få göra det tillsammans med pappa och några av våra vänner, säger Henric Skoog. Det var ett tag sedan jag tävlade, och det ska bli kul att få känna den där adrenalinruschen igen. Vi har en stark föraruppställning på pappret och bör kunna vara med och slåss om det, vilket förstås är extra motiverande!
För Patrik Skoog markerar Dubai startskottet på en säsong då han återigen har för avsikt att köra GT4 Scandinavia, som drar igång i mitten av maj i Anderstorp. Patrik fortsätter där sitt partnerskap med förarkollegan Gustav Bard, som ursprungligen även skulle ha deltagit i Dubai men som dessvärre testat positivt för COVID-19. Bard ersätts i helgen av Emil Persson – fjolårets rookiesensation i Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia med en fjärdeplats totalt – som ansluter med kort varsel. - Vi är förstås ledsna att Gustav drabbats av covid, men det är skönt att konstatera att han mår under omständigheterna bra, säger Patrik Skoog. Vi är tacksamma för att Emil kunde inställa sig så snabbt och hoppa på flyget ner hit med så kort varsel.
Dubai är en riktig höjdpunkt som både jag och Henric har kört förut, och i år har vi dessutom riktigt goda chanser att slåss i toppen av vår klass. Teamets fjärde förare, unge Gustav Bergström, gör liksom Persson sin 24-timmarsdebut i helgen. Bergström – son till den legendariske KMS-ingenjören Ronnie Bergström – racingdebuterade i fjol i Porsche Sprint Challenge Scandinavia där han slutade åtta mot betydligt mer rutinerat motstånd. Träningarna inför Dubai 24-timmars inleddes redan under måndagen, och fortsätter med inofficiella privata tester under tisdagen och onsdagen. På torsdag genomförs den officiella fria träningen och kvalet, innan racet drar igång med start kl. 12.00 svensk tid på fredag. Målgång sker alltså 24 timmar senare. Både kval och race går att följa LIVE på https://www.24hseries.com. Svenskekipaget med far och son Skoog, Persson och Bergström har startnummer 929.
Tidsschema – Dubai 24-timmars (svensk tid): Torsdag 13 januari Officiell träning:09.15-10.45 Kval: 12.35-13.30
Fredag 14 januari Warm-up: 07.30-08.00Race – start: 12.00
Lördag 15 januari Race – målgång: 12.00 |
28.08.2017 |
Follow Henric on Facebook |
Link to Henric facebook page
https://www.facebook.com/HenricSkoogRacing/ |
17.08.2017 |
PFI attends to 6h VLN |
Thie weekend PFI racing will attend to the 6 hours VLN race. Patrik, Henric and Gustav will drive the Porsche 991 GT3 Cup. The start is at 12h on Saturday and can be seen live on www.vln.de/live
02.05.2017 |
Dekra is new partner to PFI |
Dekra Sweden is now a partner to PFI racing 2017 and the activities in Carrera Cup Germany and VLN races at Nürburgring. Read more about Dekra at http://www.dekra.se
02.04.2017 |
PFI to Nürburgring next weekend |
Patrik and Henric Skoog and Gustav Bard will attend to VLN 2 next weekend. But first they will attend to a track day at SPa Francorchamps on Thursday to get some practice to the premiere. The race starts at 12:00 Mars 8th and the finish is at 16:00. The race can be followed online at www.vln.de/live |
23.08.2016 |
Porsche Supercup at Spa Francorchamps |
PFI Racing will attend at Porsche Supercup at Spa-Francorchamps with three drivers, Henric Skoog, Kenneth Pantzar and Pontus Fredricsson. Henric and Kenneth are driving for PFI Racing in Carrera Cup Scandinavia and Pontus for Ricknaes Motorsport. Their start numbers are: #58 Henric Skoog #59 Kenneth Pantzar #60 Pontus Fredricsson
30.03.2016 |
Time for the first VLN race 2016 |
This weekend ot is tim for the first VLN race for this year on the Nürburgring Nordschleife. We will compete with the old Porsche 997 GT3 Cup that is home now from Dubai. The drivers are Patrik Skoog and Gustav Bard.
You can follow the race on live TV http://vln.de/live and the gar position in the app GPSAuge that is available at iTunes (Apple version only)
The time schedule for Saturday the 2nd: Qualification 08:30 - 10:00 Race 12:00 - 16:00
21.01.2016 |
PFI Racing gjorde succé i Dubai |
PFI Racing gjorde succé i Dubai när de tog en sjätte plats i klassen och 20:e plats totalt bland 97 startande. Prestationen är extra bra med tanke på att bilen som teamet körde är generationen äldre än de samtliga 18 andra bilarna i klassen. Ett intressant faktum är att PFI Racing endast blev slagna av fullt professionella team i sin klass, med professionella förare och heltidsanställd teampersonal! Utmaningen i ett långlopp är inte bara att köra snabbt och undvika kollisioner utan att också att teamet har en bra strategi för förarbytena och inte minst att ha förberett bilen och utrustningen innan tävlingen eftersom ett 24-timmarsrace kräver mycket av materialet.
28.12.2015 |
Clio Cup Central Europe season 2015 on Youtube |
Review the Clio Cup Central Europe season 2015 where Henric Skoog took the junior titel and third over-all in the series.
22.09.2015 |
Henric up to third position in CCCE after Zandvoort |
Henric showed again that he is the fastest driver on wet track when he took pole position in Clio Cup Central Europe on Zandvoort this weekend. In the race on dry he fell back to fourth place at finish in both races. With that he advanced to third place in the championship.
Watch the races again at Youtube Race 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hLlHIpJAAU Race 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y8sWkMQly4
17.09.2015 |
Premiere in the dunes: Clio Cup Central Europe heads to Zandvoort |
The penultimate weekend of the 2015 season leads the Renault Clio Cup Central Europe drivers to the 4,320 kilometer course at the north see for the very first time. The tradition and the charm of the facility are not the only highlights. The preliminary decision in the title battle, the newcomers and the experienced local drivers guarantee a thrilling weekend. Formula 1 started 30 times at the north see coast until 1985. Despite the following reconstructions, the Circuit Park Zandvoort remained being a racetrack of the old school. Up- and downhill drives, blind bends, small run off areas and the dune sand, which gets blown on the track from time to time, form the course. On top is the special atmosphere of the popular holiday resort with its beautiful beaches. Most of the drivers face their debut at Zandvoort. But the Dutch Certainty Racing Team joins the field. Normally, that squad starts in Clio Cup Benelux and thus has excellent knowledge at Zandvoort. Head of the team is Dillon Koster, who started in the German Seat Leon Supercopa earlier. Both his drivers, Stan van Oord and Maurits Sandberg, have racing experience from Clio Cup Benelux. The title battle between Pascal Eberle (Steibel Motorsport) and Dino Calcum (Stucki Motorsport) could be preliminary decided at Zandvoort, depending on how the races develop. At the moment, Eberle is 36 points ahead of Calcum. René Leutenegger (Wüst Motorsport) is third overall and has almost already won the Gentleman championship for the drivers of at least 40 years of age. But the Swiss is in the eyes of Henric Skoog (PFI Racing). The Swede is not only the leader of the Junior classification for the drivers up to 20 years, butalso fourth overall and only four points behind Leutenegger. Although Skoog mainly concentrates on winning the Swedish Clio Cup, he will also keep fighting in the Clio Cup Central Europe until the end of the season. Completely new to the field is Sven Köhler. The 44 year old German runs the older Clio R.S. III Cup model in the team of Schlaug Motorsport.
28.08.2015 |
Henric to race in Most in Czech Republic this weekend |
Henric and the team are now in place in Most in the Czech Republic and at the Autodrom Most. Here the fifth round of the Clio Cup Central Europe will take place this weekend. Henric has participated in three rounds previously and has the possibility to reach the third place in the series so he goes down with the ambition to take as many points as possible. If it goes well he plans to participate also in the last two races held at Zandvoort and Hockenheim.
The schedule for the Clio Cup in Most Friday, 28th30-minute training sessions at 11:45, 14:10 and 16:15
Saturday, 29th 09:30 - 10:00 Qualifying14:20 - 15:10 Heat1
Sunday 30th 11:55 - 12:45 Heat2
Qualifying and the race are broadcasted on live TV at http://www.renault-sport.de/live/
18.08.2015 |
Henric segrade på Nürburgring! |
Henric Skoog vann i helgen som första juniorförare ett heat i Clio Cup Central Europe! Det var på tyska Nürburgring och medan vi här hemma hade sensommarvärme så var det snarare höst-rusk i de tyska Eifelbergen med regn och dimma. Henric hade fjärde startposition och avancerade direkt och efter ett par varv var han uppe i ledningen och var klart snabbaste bilen i fältet. Sedan blev det gulflagg och safetycar på grund av dimman och den dåliga sikten och efter en stund rödflaggades loppet. Eftersom Henric då var i ledningen så segrade han, dock fick han bara halva poängen eftersom det var så få racevarv.
I heat två var det omvänd startordning så Henric startade åtta och det blev trångt på första varvet och han halkade ner ytterligare några platser på den upptorkande banan. Men han kämpade sig upp genom fältet och slutade sexa i mål.
För Peter Larsson var det debut på en internationell bana och Peter var också den första föraren som kör med handikappanpassad bil i serien vilket väckte stor uppmärksamhet. Bland annat genomförde arrangörerna en räddningsövning med att träna på att ta ut Peter ur bilen. I heat 1 kom han på 13:e plats och siktade på topp-tio i heat två vilket han lyckades bra med för han blev åtta i mål. Satsningen gav mersmak och Peter kommer eventuellt köra resterande tävlingar i serien också. |
21.06.2015 |
Henric Skoog took two podium places at Spa |
Henric had he quickest qualifyingtime with almost two seconds. But in the races it was more even and he had to fight hard to get the two podium places this weekend. He was second in heat 1 after fights for positions two to five. In heat 2 he lost a few places in the beginnig but took some back and finished third.
Watch the races here:
20.06.2015 |
Henric in pole position at Spa Francorschamps |
Henric Skoog took pole position with a margin of almost two seconds at the qualification of Clio Cup Central Europe at the classic track Spa Francorchamps in Belgium. Race 1 starts at 16:40 this afternoon and can be viewed live at http://www.renault-sport.de/
22.03.2015 |
VLN-premiere next weekend |
Next weekend it is VLN-premiere and PFI racing will attend with one car and three drivers. It is Patrik Skoog, Peter Grandstrand and Johan Löfqvist who shares the car during the four hours race. The fuel tank is extended since last year to be able to run the race in three stins instread of four. You can follow the race in the appe GPSauge Racing App (only for ipad/iphone via App store).
On the Wednesday befor the VLN-race it will be a practice day on Spa/Francorchamps. Henric Skoog and some other drivers will attend with their own cars. |
09.01.2015 |
First tests at Dubai 24H |
Practice, qualification and night practice has been performed today in the Dubai 24H. All practice sessions went well but when the fast lap was to be set in the qualification session the left front suspension failed and needed to be repared. So the final qualification result was 54th in total and 5th in the SP3 class. Tomorrow it's RACE TIME! |
09.12.2014 |
PFI racing plans for 2015 |
Racing Season 2015 begins to take shape and we want to inform in which series and races that PFI racing plans to attend.
24h Dubai
Henric also plan to run a few races of the Clio Cup Benelux during 2015. We hope that Peter Larsson continues to drive for us again next season. Peter had some bad luck race with a few crashes but showed both in Pärnu and at Mantorp that the distance to the podium place was very close.
28.05.2014 |
Partik and Henric in Swedish GT |
This weekend Patrik and Henric will participate in Swedish GT at Mantorp Park in a Porsche. They will run one sprint race each followed by an "endurnace" race in 50 minutes. Web page for Swedish GT is http://www.swedish-gt.se/ where an article in Swedish can be seen "Father and son in Swedish GT". |
19.05.2014 |
VLN with many red flags |
VLN race 4 , the second that PFI participated in, carried out on 17 May at the Nürburgring with Patrik Skoog and Johan Löfkvist behind the wheel. But it was a race weekend with many crashes. On Friday's practice the car's shifting system malfunctioned and when it was fixed and time to get out on the track it was red flagged due to a severe crash.
23.04.2014 |
PFI Clio practicing day at Easter Monday |
On Easter Monday PFI racing performed a full-day training with all our Clio Cup and Junior Cup cars. Henric Skoog, Peter Larsson, Johanna Jover in the Clio Cup and Wiliam Gunnarsson in the Junior Cup. We had the whole resurfaced Kinnekulle Ring ourselves and had the support from Fasth Evolition and the last year's winner Andreas Wernersson and his engineer Andreas Almqvist to find the right settings and driver techniques. It was a successful day in fantastic spring weather. Now the whole team and the drivers are ready to take on Karlskoga in early May. |
21.03.2014 |
PFI plans for the racing year 2014 |
The plans for PFI-racing during 2014 is starting to take shape. The main focus this year will be at Renault Clio Cup where we will have three cars during the season. Besides Henric we will also have Peter Larsson and Johanna Jovér in our team. In VLN Patrik and Peter will continue, but we will alsp have Johan Löfqvist running a few races at the ring, and he will start already in April. We will attend in Swedish GT with the Porsche. Our old Renaul Clio will run in Junior Cup by William Gunnarsson who have been successful in cart. Vincent Lassesson will step up to the class Rotax junior. We are looking forward to an exiting race year 2014. We hope you do too. |
20.02.2014 |
PFI is supporting Dreams Delivered |
PFI racing is supporting DHLs charity program "Dreams Delivered". The foundings goes to the organizations Min Stora Dag and Project Playground. |
17.01.2014 |
PFI in Automässan in Gothenburg |
PFI racing are participating at the Auto Fair at the Swedish Exhibition Centre in Gothenburg January 15 to 18 invited by the tire industry that has invited 2,000 high school students who will come to visit us. Auto Fair is Scandinavia's largest meeting place for automotive and workshop aftermarket. Read more about the exhibition here: http://www.svenskamassan.se/sites/automassan/ |
13.01.2014 |
pfi-racing.se now bilingual |
As you may have seen, it is a small flag at the top of the home page so you can now switch between Swedish and English on the website. Since we have some activities and partners outside Sweden, it feels important to have a more international website. As much as possible of the news flow will be available in both English and Swedish. |
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